Tools Hackers Use

Ever wonder what tools a hacker uses to infiltrate systems? In this article we discuss the tech most commonly employed by hackers to do their work and bypass security systems to access valuable information.

Remote Access Trojans

Remote Access Trojans (RAT) play a vital role in modern-day hacking operations due to remote access capabilities they offer after successfully infecting target systems. RATs act as backdoors into victim machines, enabling unauthorized actions without the user’s knowledge. One prominent example within this category is DarkComet RAT. With its extensive feature set, this tool allows attackers to seize full control over infected hosts, including capabilities like remote desktop access, file transfer, and even microphone and webcam activation. The popularity of DarkComet RAT among hackers highlights the need for effective monitoring systems that can detect such malicious activities swiftly.

Another Remote Access Trojan worth mentioning is Gh0st RAT. Initially developed by a Chinese hacker group, this tool has been adopted widely due to its stealthy behavior and ability to evade detection by traditional antivirus software. As malware analysis techniques become more advanced, better defense mechanisms are necessary to counter these sophisticated threats effectively.

Network Scanning Tools

Network scanning plays a crucial role in the reconnaissance phase during hacking operations. Scanners like Nmap or Nessus assist hackers in identifying potential targets within a network infrastructure. Nmap provides comprehensive information about scanned devices, including open ports, vulnerable services, and operating system details. This knowledge helps attackers identify weak entry points and design tailored exploits accordingly. Meanwhile, Nessus empowers hackers with detailed vulnerability assessment reports, enabling them to prioritize which flaws should be exploited first. These scanning tools, sometimes used in combination, demonstrate the importance of regular network security audits performed by organizations to mitigate risks associated with unpatched vulnerabilities or misconfigurations.

Password Cracking Software

Passwords remain one of the most popular targets for cybercriminals. To gain unauthorized access, hackers leverage powerful password cracking software such as John The Ripper, Burp Suite, and Hashcat. John The Ripper largely focuses on brute force attacks (which try every possible combination) or dictionary-based approaches (using wordlists). On the other hand, Burp Suite, a comprehensive suite of web application testing tools, provides features like sniffer, crawler, and intruder module that facilitate password retrieval from various sources. Finally, Hashcat is commonly used to decrypt hashed passwords collected from compromised databases. Successful decryption allows attackers on lateral movement across a network, widens the scope of possible targets, and increases damage potential.

Phishing Kits

Phishing kits are invaluable tools to yield significant returns for hackers. Phishers exploit human frailty and inclination to trust by deceiving victims into believing that they are interacting with genuine websites. Creating and deploying such replicas requires skill, but phishing kits streamline this process by providing predefined elements like webpages, codes, scripts, and email templates to accelerate the creation of convincing attacks. Two tools frequently employed by hackers in their phishing campaigns are BlackEye and SocialFish. These tools come equipped with features for credential harvesting, storing collected information, and even distributing payloads. Facilitated by this age, organized crime groups and solo actors alike can conduct widespread phishing attacks targeting unsuspecting individuals or organizations, wreaking havoc on multiple fronts.